John Mckee Fausett
(Derik’s 4th Great Grandfather)
Henry Harriman
(Derik’s 4th Great Grandfather)
Ornon Houghton
(Derik’s 5th Great Grandfather)
Louisa Aurelia Curtis (Houghton)
(Derik’s 5th Great Grandmother)

Zion’s Camp was Leadership Training (<>)
According to its ostensible purpose, [Zion’s Camp] was a failure. But most of the men who were to lead the Church for the next half-century, including those who would take the Saints across the plains and colonize the Intermountain West, came to know the Prophet Joseph and received their formative leadership training in the march of Zion’s Camp.
As Elder Orson F. Whitney said of Zion’s Camp:
“The redemption of Zion is more than the purchase or recovery of lands, the building of cities, or even the founding of nations. It is the conquest of the heart, the subjugation of the soul, the sanctifying of the flesh, the purifying and ennobling of the passions.” (The Life of Heber C. Kimball, 2d ed., Salt Lake City: Stevens & Wallis, 1945, p. 65.) [Ensign, Nov. 1985, p. 61-62]
– Dallin H. Oaks (Quorum of the Twelve)
“Brethren, some of you are angry with me, because you did not fight in Missouri; but let me tell you, God did not want you to fight. He could not organize his kingdom with twelve men to open the gospel door to the nations of the earth, and with seventy men under their direction to follow in their tracks, unless he took them from a body of men who had offered their lives, and who had made as great a sacrifice as did Abraham. Now, the Lord has got his Twelve and his Seventy, and there will be other quorums of Seventies called. (quoted in Joseph Young Sr., History of the Organization of the Seventies [1878], 14)
– Joseph Smith (President)
“How did the testing and sifting that occurred in the lives of the Zion’s Camp participants serve as a preparation? Interestingly, nine of the brethren called into the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in 1835, as well as all of the Seventies called at that same time, were veterans of Zion’s Camp….
Truly, Zion’s Camp was a refiner’s fire for all of the volunteers in general and for many future leaders of the Lord’s Church in particular.
The experiences gained by the volunteers in the army of the Lord also were a preparation for larger, future migrations of Church members. More than 20 of the Zion’s Camp participants became captains and lieutenants in two great exoduses; the first but four years in the future, involving the removal of 8,000 to 10,000 people from Missouri to Illinois (see “From High Hopes to Despair: The Missouri Period, 1831-39,” Ensign, July 2001, 44-53); and the second, twelve years in the future, the great western movement of approximately 15,000 Latter-day Saints from Illinois to the Salt Lake and other Rocky Mountain valleys. Viewed as a preparatory training for the larger expeditions awaiting the Latter-day Saints, Zion’s Camp was of immense value to the Church. 1834 was the time to show—and to prepare for 1838 and for 1846. (Brigham Young University-Idaho Education Week Devotional, July 30, 2010)
– David A. Bednar (Quorum of the Twelve)
“Zion’s Camp was disbanded on June 24, 1834. It had furnished the know-how and experience which made possible the subsequent exodus of more than 20,000 men, women, and children from Nauvoo to the Rocky Mountains, and prepared leaders for the great exodus. It also provided a proving ground—some 1,000 miles of it—for the future Church leaders. This is evidenced by the fact that when the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles was ‘searched out’ by the three witnesses to the Book of Mormon, [most of those] chosen had been members of Zion’s Camp. These men had demonstrated their willingness to sacrifice everything, even life itself, when commanded by the Lord. The First Quorum of the Seventy was likewise made up of the men who followed the Prophet to Missouri in Zion’s Camp.” ( The Importance of Church History,Brigham Young University Speeches of the Year [Provo, 15 Apr. 1970], p. 3.)
– Delbert L. Stapley (Quorum of the Twelve)
Henry Harriman
(Derik’s 4th Great Grandfather)

Andrew Jensen. Members of Zion’s Camp.The Historical Record: a monthly periodical devoted exclusively to historical, biographical, chronological and statistical matters. v. 8 Nos. 7 & 8 (August, 1889): 940. Accessed December 10, 2018. via:>
John Mckee Fausett
(Derik’s 4th Great Grandfather)
(Derik’s 4th Great Grandfather)
“Festival of the Camp of Zion.” Deseret News (Salt Lake City, Utah), October 12, 1864. Accessed October 28, 2018. – John Mckee Fausett (spelt Fossett) – Heny Harriman
Louisa Aurelia Curtis (Houghton)
(Derik’s 5th Great Grandmother)
Ornon Houghton
(Derik’s 5th Great Grandfather)
Louisa Aurelia Curtis Houghton
Aurelia and Osmon Houghton joined Zion’s Camp in Michigan when Hyrum Smith traveled there looking for members willing to join. Radke wrote,
“The only documented case of discord within the group arose concerning the Houghtons. A spirit of conflict emerged because members of the branch felt that the couple did not carry their full workload. Fordham remembered that,
“as som of the brethren had thoughts that bro & sister houghton had not done their duty and we had cast reflections and hints we were astonished at the consequences when we were informed of them by bro smith we saw the evil felt humble and readily confessed to each other and to god and with uplifted hands covenanted to forget and forgive all that had passed and do so no more.” (Source)
Aurelia and Osmon settled in Missouri and later took care of Aurelia’s younger sister, Mary. Mary’s daughter, Charlotta Juline Markham Crow, wrote this about her aunt:
“Mr. Houghton and his wife had lost their oldest child and they felt so lonely and bad that they took Mary to live with them. Aurelia wanted Sarah, who was two years old, but Ornan wanted Mary, who was four years old, as while traveling she had hung to him so close he had become very much attached to her.” (source)
Aurelia died of quick consumption in Nauvoo in February 1845 – she was only 26-years-old.
Aurelia died in February, 1845. It appears she may have died in childbirth or shortly after. In July of that same year her father married his wife, Aurelia’s younger sister, Mary Curtis. They had one son, Edgar Stratton Houghton, who was born October 10, 1846. On August 18, 1848 Ornon died in Nauvoo. (There also seems to be some inconsistency in the records showing death date of Aurelia.) (Source)
Ornon Houghton
(Derik’s 5th Great Grandfather)
- Birth: 1 October 1806 Brandon, Rutland, Vermont, U.S.A.
- Death: 18 August 1847 Montrose, Lee, Iowa, U.S.A.
- Burial: Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois, U.S.A.
Born on Oct 1, 1806 at Brandon, Rutland County, Vermont, a son of James & Mary Houghton. Ornan Houghton married Aurelia Curtis on March 1, 1834 at Oakland, Michigan.
Ornan and Aurelia helped move the Curtis family (his wife’s family) from Michigan to Nauvoo. Mr. Houghton and his wife had lost their oldest child and they felt so lonely and sad that they took Aurelia’s younger sister, Mary to live with them. Aurelia wanted Sarah, who was two years old, but Ornan wanted Mary, who was four years old, as while traveling she had hung to him so close he had become very much attached to her.
Mary lived with them until her sister Aurelia died, in February 1845. Mary took care of her sister’s family, Francis and Louisa. On July 11, 1845 at Nauvoo, Illinois, Ornon married Mary and through this union had one son Edgar, who was born in Montrose, Lee County, Iowa.
On the 18th of August 1847 Ornon passed away leaving his second wife and children to mourn his loss. (Source)
The names of those who went to Zion in the camp are as follows:
Hazen Aldrich, Alonzo Champlin, Joseph S. Allen, Jacob Chapman, Isaac Allred, William Cherry, James Allred, John M. Chidester, Martin Allred, Alden Childs, Milo Andrus, Nathaniel Childs, Solomon Angel, Stephen Childs, Allen A. Avery, Albert Clements, Almon W. Babbitt, Thomas Colborn, Alexander Badlam, Alanson Colby, Samuel Baker, Zera S. Cole, Nathan Bennett Baldwin, Zebedee Coltrin, Elam Barber, Libeus T. Coon, Israel Barlow, Horace Cowan, Lorenzo D. Barnes, Lyman Curtis, Edson Barney, Mecham Curtis, Royal Barney, Solomon W. Denton, Henry Benner, Peter Doff, Samuel Bent, David D. Dort, Hiram Backman, John Duncan, Lorenzo Booth, James Dunn, George W. Brooks, Philemon Duzette, Albert Brown, Philip Ettleman, Harry Brown, Bradford W. Elliot, Samuel Brown, David Elliot, John Brownell, David Evans, Peter Buchanan, Asa Field, Alden Burdick, Edmund Fisher, Harrison Burgess, Alfred Fisk, David Byur, Hezekiah Fisk, William F. Cahoon, Elijah Fordham, John Carpenter, George Fordham, John S. Carter, Frederick Forney, Daniel Cathcart, *John Fossett [Fausett], Solon Foster, James Foster, Jacob Gates, William S. Ivie, Benjamin Gifford, William Jessop, Levi Gifford, Luke S. Johnson, Sherman Gilbert, Lyman E. Johnson, Tru Glidden, Noah Johnson, Dean C. Gould, Seth Johnson, Jedediah M. Grant, Isaac Jones, Addison Green, Levi Jones, Michael Griffith, Charles Kelley, Everett Griswold, Heber C. Kimball, Elisha Groves, Samuel Kingsley, Joseph Hancock, Dennis Lake, Levi W. Hancock, Jesse B. Lawson, Joseph Harmon, L. S. Lewis, *Henry Herriman [Harriman], Josiah Littlefield, Martin Harris, Lyman O. Littlefield, Joseph Hartshorn, Waldo Littlefield, Thomas Hayes, Amasa M. Lyman, Nelson Higgins, Moses Martin, Seth Hitchcock, Edward W. Marvin, Amos Hogers, Reuben McBride, Chandler Holbrook, Robert McCord, Joseph Holbrook, Eleazer Miller, Milton Holmes, John Miller, *Osmon [Ornan] Houghton, Justin Morse, Marshal Hubbard, John Murdock, Solomon Humphrey, Freeman Nickerson, Joseph Huntsman, Levi S. Nickerson, John Hustin, Uriah C. Nickerson, Elias Hutchins, Joseph Nicholas, Heman T. Hyde, Joseph B. Noble, Orson Hyde, Ur. North, Warren S. Ingalls, Roger Orton, Edward Ivie, John D. Parker, James R. Ivie, Warren Parrish, John A. Ivie, Orson Pratt, William D. Pratt, Charles C. Rich, Leonard Rich, Samuel Thompson, Darwin Richardson, Wm. P. Tippetts, Burr Riggs, Tinney Thomas, Harpin Riggs, Nelson Tribbs, Nathaniel Riggs, Joel Vaughn, Milcher Riley, Salmon Warner, Alanson Ripley, William Weden, {185} Lewis Robbins, Elias Strong, Erastus Rudd, John Joshua Tanner, William Henry Sagers, Ezra Thayer, Wilkins Jenkins Salisbury, Nathan Tanner, Henry Sherman, James L. Thompson, Lyman Sherman, Elias Wells, Henry Shibley, Alexander Whitesides, Cyrus Smalling, Andrew W. Whitlock, Avery Smith, Lyman Wight, George A. Smith, Eber Wilcox, Hyrum Smith, Sylvester B. Wilkinson, Jackson Smith, Frederick G. Williams, Zechariah B. Smith, Alonzo Winchester, Joseph Smith, Benjamin Winchester, Lyman Smith, Lupton Winchester, Sylvester Smith, Alvin Winegar, William Smith, Samuel Winegar, Willard Snow, Hiram Winter, Harvey Stanley, Henry Wissmiller, Hyrum Stratton, Wilford Woodruff, Zerubbabel Snow, Brigham Young, Daniel Stephens, Joseph Young.
Women in Zion’s Camp:
Charlotte Alvord, Mary Chidester, Sophronia Curtis, Diana Drake, Mary Snow Gates, Eunice Holbrook, Nancy Lambson Holbrook, *Mrs. [Aurelia] Houghton, Betsy Parrish, ——–Ripley, Ada Clements.
Children in Zion’s Camp:
Diana Holbrook, daughter of Chandler Holbrook, Sarah Lucretia Holbrook, daughter of Joseph Holbrook, Charlotte Holbrook, daughter of Joseph Holbrook, ——————–, daughter of Alvin Winegar, Sarah Pulsipher, daughter of Zera Pulsipher, John P. Chidester, son of John M. Chidester, Eunice Chidester, daughter of John M. Chidester.
Women in Zion's Camp.
Charlotte Alvord, Mary Chidester, Sophronia Curtis, Diana Drake,
Mary Snow Gates, Eunice Holbrook, Nancy Lambson Holbrook, Mrs.
Houghton, Betsy Parrish, --------Ripley, Ada Clements.
Children in Zion's Camp.
Diana Holbrook, daughter of Chandler Holbrook, Sarah Lucretia
Holbrook, daughter of Joseph Holbrook, Charlotte Holbrook, daughter
of Joseph Holbrook, --------------------, daughter of Alvin
Winegar, Sarah Pulsipher, daughter of Zera Pulsipher, John P.
Chidester, son of John M. Chidester, Eunice Chidester, daughter of
John M. Chidester.
- Joseph Smith (B.H. Roberts ed.) 1902. History of the Church 2:183–185