“When Grandfather filled a mission to Canada”
Sarah Gilbert (Grandma) and Isaac Huff Losee (Grandfather)
When Grandfather filled a mission to Canada in 1843-4, he took Grandma with him & she was able to visit her parents while he was out doing Missionary work. On the return from his Mission in Michigan & Canada, he brought with him his Sarah (Grandma) and her twin brother John Rich Gilbert. Having traveled all day, they stopped at an Inn.
Uncle Rich went in to see if there were accommodations for the night. The Inn keeper told him that he had rooms enough, but that there was a group of rough men who were staying for the night, and he wondered if they would want to bring Grandmother into such a gathering. Uncle Rich looked around at the men, and then went back to the buggy.

He told them what the Inn keeper had said, and added ,”I feel impressed that one of them is Apostle George A. Smith, in disguise.” George A. Smith being one of the elders who had first brought the Gospel to the Losee’s and the Gilbert’s. The 3 walked in the inn, and as they went through the door, the man sitting beside the door looked up at them. It was George A. Smith, but not one flicker of recognition crossed his face. Grandmother thought to herself, “Alright George A. Smith, if you don’t want to know me, I don’t know you either!”, and ignored him. The men were making sarcastic remarks about the Mormons, when they found who they were. As was the custom of the inns in those days, everyone had their meal together, and whenever they were ready, went to their rooms to retire for the night. After everyone else had retired for the night, except the 8 men, and Grandmother & Grandfather Losee and Uncle Rich. George A. Smith spoke and said,”Brethren, these people are Canadians, and Canadians can be trusted to keep a secret. I move we tell them who we are.” The others agreed and each one introduced himself. They were all members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Grandmother said in later years that they spent a very enjoyable evening with them,after everyone else had gone to bed. They were brought up to date on happenings of the Saints, and events which had taken place. They told them about a revelation Joseph had received , wherein the twelve were called to teach the Gospel in Europe, and it was felt that they best travel in disguise until they had safely reached their destination. Grandfather & Grandmother and Uncle Rich were not to tell anyone of this experience until they had received word that the Twelve had made themselves known to the Saints in Europe. After arriving at Nauvoo, they found that everyone was asking the same question, “Where are the Apostles???” “Where have the Apostles gone???” Grand- mother Losee said in later years, that this was the hardest secret she ever had to keep. She said it seemed Satan was determined she had to each one who asked this question,”I know where they are, they’re on their way to fill a mission in Europe, and have gone in disguise.” But through faith & prayer, she withstood the temptation, and when word was finally received that the Apostles had made themselves known to the Saints in Europe, it seemed that Satan was no longer interested in what she knew. She said she had no further impulse to say, “I knew where they were, but had been told not to divulge it to anyone.” The next morning they got up, and while grandpa and uncle Rich made their preparations to resume their journey, the Apostles left in pairs to travel separately until nightfall, and thus avoid suspicion, and then meet together again that night at a predetermined place. This incident was related to her youngest daughter, Isadora Losee Allen, who in turn passed it on to her daughter, Lovisa Allen Workman, who gave it to me, May Workman, her daughter. !Resealed 20 Feb 1990 MT. A twin. !She was a midwife, but after locating in So. Utah at Clifton, later Loseeville she became too old. Dr. Stiner gave her a diploma. Her daughters Mary Cafall & Martha Powell were both midwives.
PID: KWJ6-L4S – Source: familysearch / contributor: bsprague3838866 date added: 27 August 2013